- Welcome: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that the members would move quickly through the first 6 items on the Agenda so that Planning Matters could be discussed as soon as possible. Those present were: Neil Johnston (NJ) – Chair, John Stockley (JS) – Vice-Chair, Ann Myles (AM) – Treasurer, Colin Young (CY) – Secretary, Tony Fitzpatrick (TF), Amanda Howie (AH), Ally Dewar (AD), Lori Corbet Mann (LCM), Councillor Keith Allan (KA), Councillor Crawford Reid (CR) and members of the public numbering 82.
- Apologies: Councillor Steven Carr (SC)
- Update from Police: No officers were available to attend but members continue to receive the Local Area Commander’s Bulletin every week by email.
- Minutes of the meeting of 2nd October: These were agreed and signed by the Chair.
- Treasurer’s Report: Copies had been circulated to members prior to the meeting and AM detailed the latest income and expenditure. These were agreed.
- Matter arising from the Minutes:
- 40 mph Cycling & Walking Friendly routes – ongoing as SC unavailable.
- Old Garage Wall – the landowner has been made aware of the small breach in this wall and will look into it.
- Bus timetable and volunteer car service – TF explained that there was a lot to consider and information was being gathered for discussion at a later date.
- Planning Matters:
- Application for an agricultural shed at Mosshead Farm.
- Application for a Switch Room at Findony Farm – Approved.
- Application for a dwelling house 200 metres North of The Lofts – Approved.
- Application for a 104 metre wind turbine and ancillary works at Findony Farm (See supplementary information annex for full comments)
- Roads Matters: CR reported that the proposed new junction at Shinafoot with the A9 had been successfully appealed to the Scottish Ministers despite the objections by local Councillors. Unfortunately, unlike Dunning, the residents of Auchterarder had not got together to raise their concerns.
- Correspondence: CY reported that the Craighead Windfarm would be holding a Consultation Event in Dunning Village Hall on 15th November between 3.30 and 7.30pm.
- Meeting Attended:
- AD reported that he had attended the meeting of the Pavilion Core Group that had discussed ongoing maintenance and other related matters.
- AD reported that he and JS had met with the Sports Administrator for PKC Schools and that the After-School Sports Club would start to meet at 3pm from 9th November onwards. This was hailed as a great success by members.
- TF gave details of the Steering Group for the Village Hall project and that the next step was to visit North Muirton where a similar venture had been very successful in taking over a building previously managed by LiveActive.
- Councillors’ Reports: Nothing further to report.
- Any other business:
- CY reported that a local businessman had secured the services of a tradesman to clean up and repoint the War Memorial but that he didn’t want any contribution for this work. Given that the War Memorial is a very central location in the village and its importance for so many families, he requested that the CC contribute £100 to the cost of this work. This was agreed.
- AM stated that plans for the Over 80s Christmas Lunch were coming together and JS was still seeking Santa to hand out gifts.
- AH asked about progress on the proposed parking restrictions in the village and KA said he would obtain an update and report back. Action: KA
- TF reported that the Village Questionnaire was in the process of being printed with the information going out on social media as well as a leaflet drop to every house with the request for some to be placed in the Bowling Club and the Pavilion along with collection boxes. Action: TF
- A question was asked if the proposed wind farms in the Ochils were likely to have funds available for charities in the village and CY indicted that the answer might be forthcoming at the Craighead Consultation Event on the 15th.
The next meeting will be held on Monday 4th December at 7.30pm in the Church Hall.