Meetings and Minutes

Agenda, minutes and reports of most recent meeting, and links to previous minutes.

Please note that the more recent minutes may only be draft releases and the content could change.

  1. Welcome: The Chair thanked everyone for their patience while we had conducted our AGM and proceeded with the agenda items for this meeting.
  2. Apologies: Councillor Keith Allan (KA)
  3. Update from Police: No officers were available this evening but members continue to receive the Area Commander’s Weekly Bulletin by email.
  4. Minutes of the meeting of 2nd September 2024: These were agreed and signed by the Chair.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: There had been no transactions since the last meeting.
  6. Matters arising from the Minutes:
    1. AD reported that the new ducks had been ordered and delivered. The size of the numbers to be applied to them will now be investigated.                                                                                                    Action: AD
    2. Coffee with Councillors – CY confirmed that the Village Hall had been booked for 26th October from 10am to 12 noon.
    3. AH asked about the Bridge of Earn Road grass cutting but this appeared to be going nowhere with PKC.
  7. Planning Matters:
    1. 23/01874/FLL – Erection of canopy (in retrospect) at Kirkstyle Inn.
    2. 24/01022/FLL – Garage at Lochmanor House – Approved
    3. 24/01026/FLL – Alterations & extension to Glenochil, Station Road – Approved.
    4. 24/01180/FLL – Reinstatement of riverbank 370metres East of Lochmanor for Scottish Water. This is the section along the Dunning Burn beside the Waste Water Treatment Works and will protect the Core Path along this route.
  8. Road Matters:
    1. AH had been approached by several residents on the East side of the village regarding the advertising on a wall at Romangate that had been in place for several months. It was agreed to contact the Enforcement Officer to learn of the legality of this sign.                                               Action: CY
    2. While the drainage work had been completed around Dalreoch Railway Bridge there was no indication of when the road resurfacing would be carried out. It was agreed to monitor this situation when the rain reappears.
    3. NJ reminded everyone that the yellow lining work was scheduled to take place from the 21st to the 30th October and that PKC hoped to minimize disruption to traffic during this work.
  9. Correspondence: There was nothing to report.
  10. DCC Projects:
    1. JS asked whether the website training should be carried out on-line or face-to-face. It was agreed to provide suitable dates and to consult Rob Carr regarding this matter.                                         Action: ALL
  11. Meetings Attended:
    1. CY announced that he had attended the last meeting of P&K Outdoor Access Forum and that he was now a Community Member of this organisation that seeks to protect Core Paths and Rights of Way in the area.
    2. AH had joined the Community Resilience meeting on-line and highlighted the need for emergency planning through websites, WhatsApp and other means with a view to protecting vulnerable people when power cuts take place, etc. 
  12. Councillors’ Reports:
    1. SC offered his congratulations to Alan Watt as our new Councillor for Ward 7 and reported that he had just emailed PKC Roads regarding the resurfacing work near Dalreoch Rail Bridge.
    2. AW thanked everyone for his welcome to the meeting and emphasized the work of the Resilience Group in Aberuthven and the link with SSE that ensured that during any extended power cut a generator was supplied to power their Village Hall where people could keep warm and get hot food and drinks. It should be able to ‘mirror’ such an approach in Dunning.
  13. Any other business:
    1. AD reported that the introduction of the digital telephone system would not really help during power cuts as there would be no means of making contact with vulnerable residents. Mobile phones were also useless as the masts required power but an ‘emergency box’ could be obtained that would proves about 40 minutes of power to allow people to kame contact.
    2. AH reported that some electricity meters were no longer able to transmit readings and it was the responsibility of the home owners to make contact with their power supplier to get new one installed. AH also told the meeting that the power companies were doing nothing to make people aware of this situation.
    3. CY informed the meeting that the battery in the defibrillator in the phone box was declining fats and that a replacement was required. He had made contact with a reputable medical wholesaler and secured a deal for a new battery and a set of pads (the current ones expire in December) for £171.53 and asked the permission of the meeting to purchase these items. This was agreed.           Action: CY
    4. AH had asked PKC about progress in repairing St. Serf’s Churchyard wall and had been informed that they were waiting for work authority.
    5. AH told the meeting that SSE were planning the replacement of the power pole in Kirk Wynd but no timescale was known.
    6. JS asked if something could be done to cut back branches on the bridge and around the notice board as they were very low.                                                                                                                               Action: CY
    7. The issue of the grass cutting on Bridge of Earn Road had been temporarily dealt with thanks to the good services of a workman.
    8. It was reported that the Village Hall Committee had been formed and office-bearers appointed. They are now waiting for funding to be granted so that work can start on improving the disabled access, the kitchen and other essential work.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 4th November at 7.30pm in Dunning Church Hall