- Welcome and apologies.
- Minutes of the last meeting held.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Matters arising from the Minutes.
- Planning Matters.
- Road Matters.
- Correspondence.
- Meetings attended.
- Councillors’ Reports.
- Any other business.
- Date of Next Meeting.
- Welcome: The Chair welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Council following the Summer break. Those present were: Neil Johnston (NJ) – Chair, Ann Myles (AM) – Treasurer, Colin Young (CY) – Secretary, Amanda Howie (AH), Ally Dewar (AD), Councillor Steven Carr (SC), Councillor Keith Allan (KA) and members of the public.
- Apologies: John Stockley (JS)
- Update from Police: There were no officers available to attend but members continue to receive the Local Area Commander’s Weekly Bulletin by email.
- Minutes of the meeting of 1st July 2024: These were agreed and signed by the Chair.
- Treasurer’s Report: AM described the income and expenditure that had occurred during the last 2 months including a donation to assist with the Over 80s Christmas Lunch. Along with the amount raised by the Duck Race and Tombola this event is now fully funded for 2024.
- Matters arising from the Minutes:
- Grass cutting – NH explained that a local contractor had cut the grass at the site of the Duck Race and that the Cc had paid for this. NH then mentioned that it did not take a great deal of time to carry out this work when the grass cuttings were not being picked up and it could, possibly, be done by members in future. This will be considered for the future.
- CY mentioned contact with the Renewables Sustainability Group that had pulled together other Community Councils to decide on the best way to deal with the Community Benefits from the proposed wind farms in the Ochils. Contact will be made to arrange a meeting. Action: NH
- Duck Race Posters – Done.
- Bridge of Earn Road grass cutting – AH had pursued this with PKC but had been told that the pitch of the slope was too great for the machines.
- Planning Matters:
- 24/01022/FLL – Garages at Lochmanor House – block of 4 garages in south-east corner of site beside public road.
- 24/00710/FLL – Dwelling 200 metres north of The Loft, Muckhart Road – Approved.
- 24/01026/FLL – Alterations and extension to Glenochil, Station Road.
- Road Matters:
- AH told the meeting that she had reported the large hole in the road beneath the Dalreoch Railway Bridge that should be receiving urgent attention. The resurfacing of the section between the entrance to Broadslap and the Railway Bridge will mean a complete road closure from the 19th to 25th September.
- AH and NJ reminded everyone that the yellow lines for the parking restrictions will carried out between the 21st and 30th October and there will be traffic lights to control vehicles at various locations while this work is done.
- AH had reported the blocked drain at the Cemetery and another beside the Rollo Park wall.
- Correspondence: Nothing of any importance had been received during the Summer break.
- DCC Projects:
- Duck Race – AM explained that the CC had investigated the purchase of new ducks so that the number in each race could be increased to 70. The CC had felt that this would be the best way to address the issue of people not being able to buy ducks at the event and that 15 races would be the maximum due to the event stretching into the evening. This was agreed and 100 new ducks will be purchased in the near future. An outlet will be investigated to sell the old ducks. Action: AD
- Coffee with the Community Council – AM reported that this would help to raise the profile of the CC in much the same way as ‘Coffee with a Cop’ had done. It would provide people with the opportunity to get to know the members, raise issues outwith the public forum of a meeting and recruit new members. The Village Hall will be booked for Saturday 26th October, 10am to 12noon. Action: CY
- NJ spoke about the possibility of using the Community Investment Fund (CIF) to purchase an amplifier and PA system that could be lent out to local organisations (Little Dunning, Scrufts, etc.) but the closing date for applications is very close and he has no details of suitable systems. This matter will be abandoned.
- Meeting Attended: None
- Councillors’ Reports:
- KA reported that some very unsavoury comments had been made regarding the determination of the Wind Turbine planning application for Findony Farm. It was agreed that these needed no further investigations by the CC as the matter has been concluded.
- Any other business:
- AD asked about the advertising sign that has been present on the fence/hedge at 1 Romangate for the last few weeks. It was suggested that this was put up by the contractors that had replaced windows at this address as part of a discount scheme that is often used by such companies. It was thought that there was a 28 Day Rule on such advertising and that the sign will soon disappear.
- Cy reported that, following the resignation of one of the members, he had taken control of the trail cameras and PA system for secure storage.
- AH had been made aware of an electric car charging cable across the pavement outside an address in Perth Road and reported this to the relevant authorities.
- A member of the Village Hall Group reported that 2 funding applications had been made to carry out improvements to the disabled access, lighting and the kitchen. NJ asked for progress on other matters and was told that the Group was seeking to enter into a 3 year rental from PKC, would be employing somebody to manage the booking and maintenance with a view, hopefully, to proceed to a community buy-out in the future. The matter of the display of stuffed birds raised the issue of ownership and it was reported that this display had originally been gifted to Dunning Primary School until the refurbishment brought about the move to the Reading Room. The display was donated by a local lady and held by the Community Council on behalf of the village. The Village Hall Group intend to hold a public meeting in the future to discuss this and other matters.
- A question was asked about the lack of presence of the Community Police and it was explained that there are so few officers in the area that they cannot always be available to attend our meetings but that Police do visit the village from time to time.
- It was reported that the use of electric scooters by some youths was causing a disturbance in the village and the advice from the Police was such a matter should be reported by calling 999 due to the illegality of the use of these machines.
- SSE has been visiting residents in Kirk Wynd to make them aware of the proposal to relocate the pole beside the upper bridge over the Dunning Burn. No timescale is known for this work.
The AGM and next meeting will be held on Monday 7th October at 7.30pm in the Church Hall