Dunning Community Council Meeting 4 March 2024


Minutes of the meeting of Dunning Community Council held on Monday 4th March 2024

at 7.30pm in Dunning Church Hall

  1. Welcome: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and hoped that they would learn about some of the work of the Community Council. Those present were: Neil Johnston (NJ) – Chair, John Stockley (JS) – Vice-Chair, Ann Myles (AM) – Treasurer, Colin Young (CY) – Secretary, Amanda Howie (AH), Ally Dewar (AD), Tony Fitzpatrick (TF), Councillor Steven Carr (SC), Councillor Keith Allan (KA) and members of the public.
  2. Apologies: Councillor Crawford Reid (CR)
  3. Update from Police: There were no officers available to attend the meeting but members continue to get the Area Commander’s Bulletin by email.
  4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 5th February 2024: These were agreed and signed by the Chair.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: AM described the details of the expenditure for stationery and printing ink to produce the Community Consultation.
  6. Matters arising from the Minutes: 
    1. Safer Communities – AH reported that this team would welcome the chance to come and speak to the CC in the future.
    2. Community Survey – TF explained that of the 600 surveys distributed there had been 76 returned with comments. Main issues related to potholes, parking, public transport and the environment. The next phase will be to get the breakdown of the comments on the website and include the drop kerbs report by JS. TF asked if everyone could pass on any comments to him so he can conclude this part of the exercise.                                                                                                                                     Action: ALL
    3.  Severe potholes and drainage – JS and KA reported that work was being carried out by Scottish Water to repair leaks on the road above Dalreoch Railway Bridge. Once this is complete PKC will arrange for the potholes to be repaired.
    4. Volunteers for CC membership – CY stated that this had been put on the Community Notice Board and the DCC Facebook page.
    5. Kirkstyle exterior structure – AD asked if there was any update on this matter and KA explained that it was moving towards a planning application (in retrospect) that had been received by PKC but not yet been registered.
  7. Planning Matters: CY reported that the planning application for a wind turbine at Findony Farm would be in front of the Committee on Wednesday 13th March but requests to speak had to be lodged in writing or email by 4.00pm on Friday 8th March.
  8. Road Matters: There continue to be comments about the state of the roads around Dunning and that many areas need considerable attention.
  9. Correspondence: Nothing to report.
  10. Meetings attended:
    1. JS reported on his meeting with Rob Carr to consider the best way forward for the website and that an alternative provider might be the best option. Rob will continue to develop the DCC website and JS will update progress at the next meeting.                                                                                               Action: JS
    2. TF reported on attending the Stronger Communities meeting where the focus was on Warm Spaces. He emphasized that it was necessary to keep attending to learn about sources of funding and to be able to pass on this information to the public.
    3. TF reminded everyone that Little Dunning would be held on Saturday 1st June this year and that 80+ stalls had already booked a place. TF requested that the DCC stall act as a ‘Lost Property’ location and this was agreed. A question was asked about the PA system and it was agreed that this would be resolved.                                                                                                                                                         Action: TF/NJ
    4. TF reported on the vandalism at the school and informed everyone that CCTV notices had now been put up to try and stop this problem. If it persists then the camera will be installed.
    5. NJ said that the Green Living Fund had received several applications but none from Dunning. The tablets that were in the Village Hall were used for voting but no results had been announced.
  11. Councillors’ Reports:
    1. KA added that the volume of water running down to Dalreoch Railway Bridge would now be much less and would do less damage to the road.
    2. KA talked about the parking proposals in the village and described some changes that the officers had made. Unfortunately these were introducing times when the restrictions would be in place when the original intention was to apply the restrictions 24/7. He will speak to the officers.
  12. Any other business: 
    1. JS wished the good work in The Den by David Doig to be recognized as he has now installed a seat at the Tory Bridge.
    2. AH asked if new street lights had been installed in Lower Granco as they appeared   brighter than previously.
    3. AD reported on the Thursday Football in the Rollo Park and was able to say that matches were being organized and that they had strips for the players. He asked if it would be possible to get £100 from the Community Council to put down lines on the pitch that would last for the season and this was agreed.
    4. TF produced a poster on Rural Transport Futures and asked if it could be advertised that the local meeting is on 22nd March in the Auchterarder Community Library from 11am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm. Kinross operates a Community Transport Scheme that is very successful and we should try to learn as much about it as possible.
    5. It was reported that 2 street lights were out on The Green.                                                                 Action: CY
    6. The uplighters at the Fountain in Tron Square are being looked at.
    7. SC suggested the use of MYPKC as the portal to report such things as potholes and street light failures as the system has been improved and Councillors are provided with reports of problems in their Wards.

Please note that the next meeting will be on Monday 8th April 2024 at 7.30pm in Dunning Village Hall.

This to avoid the Public Holiday/